Home System & Security Camera Installation Services

Home » Home System & Security Camera Installation Services

In today’s world, you can’t take security lightly. Keeping your family safe is your number one priority. At ServLeader, we install the best home security cameras and privacy systems to help:

  • Protect your family
  • Secure your home
  • Deter unwanted intruders
  • Ensure privacy and protection

Home security camera systems have come a long way since the first security camera. With advances in technology, cameras are more affordable and effective.

Security cameras are one of the most important components of a security system. Cameras serve as a visual deterrent to potential burglars and can also provide valuable evidence if a break-in occurs.

Although indoor and outdoor security cameras can be a great investment, it’s important to make sure it’s the right fit for your home. From the best outdoor cameras to the most effective alarm system, there are a lot of factors you need to consider for security and privacy.

How Does a Home Security System Work?

Home or outdoor camera security usually consists of five main components:

  • A control panel or central hub controls the entire camera and alarm system.
  • Sensors detect movement or disturbances around your home.
  • Alarms sound throughout your home and alert authorities when a sensor is triggered.
  • Security cameras (either wired cameras or wireless cameras) record motion in and around your home.
  • Recording systems and apps allow you to view what’s happening at home at all times.

What Are the Benefits of Security Cameras?

Recent studies show that nearly 2.5 million burglaries occur in U.S. homes each year. The best way to make your home safe from burglars is to take preventive measures with a security camera installation.

When you install and use a home security system with security cameras, you benefit from:

  • Improved security: Security cameras deter unwanted entry, promote privacy, and provide visual evidence if needed.
  • Remote monitoring: Many security cameras now come with a mobile app. These apps give homeowners the ability to view their home security cameras remotely from anywhere.
  • Peace of mind: Whether you’re home or away, you’ll always know your home is secure.

What Are the Different Types of Security Cameras?

There are two main types of security cameras: wired cameras and wireless cameras.

Wired security cameras are connected to your home security system using a network of electrical wires. They’re generally more reliable than wireless cameras but can be more difficult to install.

Wireless security cameras are battery-powered cameras that connect to your home security system using Wi-Fi. These cameras are more flexible for installation but may need to be replaced more often than wired cameras depending on use. (These usually come with a mobile app as well.)

Boost Your Home Security with Security Camera Installation Services

Don’t leave your security to chance; see ServLeader for all your security camera installation needs.

Our security service professionals will work with you to choose the best indoor cameras and outdoor security cameras for your home. Our camera installation services will ensure everything’s set up correctly when you’re ready to install them.

Contact Us Today!

At ServLeader, we pride ourselves on a policy of always putting our clients and their security first.

Call or contact us today to learn more about new security camera options and get a free quote for home security camera installation.


Frequently Asked Question ​

What types of security systems do you install?

Security systems protect your home and business and deter intruders. We install a range of systems, including CCTV, burglar alarms, and access control systems. We can install remote monitoring so that you keep an eye on your home or business any time of the day, when you are away on holidays, or during the weekend.

Can you service my existing security system?

Yes, we provide maintenance and repair services for most types of security systems. We check that your security system is fully operational and that all electronic components are functional. When you service your security system, you extend its lease of life and make sure your home or business is fully protected.

I’m not sure what kind of security system I need. Can you help?

Absolutely, we can assess your property and security needs to recommend the best system for you. ServLeader locksmiths are trained and we have worked on hundreds of security systems. We can design a security system that matches your needs and protects your home effectively.

Our contacts​

At ServLeader We provide all of your locksmith needs. We specialize in all types of locksmith services from emergency, auto, commercial, and residential locksmith services.